Thursday, August 31, 2006

I have so much crafting to do this weekend, but I am excited because I thought of a new idea for my Buffy swap that I am actually looking forward to making. I think it will be cool. Yay. I intend to spend most of my long weekend working on various crafting projects.

I need to:
-finish book box for buffy swap
-finish t-shirt for buffy swap
-brainstorm, start, and finish 2 additional buffy items
-make kitty toys for skull swap
-brainstorm for tote bag ideas - i know what design I want to use, but need to figure out how to put it on the bag - embroidery? applique? It's going to be a skull with a tribal looking motif behind it.
-start necklace for skull swap
-finish sock!
-color stupid pillowcases for work

I think I may still be missing something.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I received my package for the zombie swap today, and it rocks. I got a decorated tin:


Note that my first felt zombie, the one that lives with dionethoughts, is sandwiched in among the movie images. A Shaun of the Dead hoodie: 

The stenciling on this is really good, and it is soft and snuggly. And finally, zombie art:

I can't paint worth a damn, so I particularly love this. It cracks me up.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Crafting Lesson #1:

If you rush your crafting, you make crappy crafts.

This lesson is brought to you by the TWO projects I messed up this week, because I was too impatient to do them right. Will certainly not be repeating that error when I go to recreate them. =/

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Okay, so if you've looked at my vacation pictures, you have already seen Annabelle, but she is a crafting project, and therefore deserves her own post here. Elle She is soft and squishy and likes to cuddle. I hope she enjoys her new home. Also, I made this photo album yesterday, using the instructions for a bookbinding kit I bought the last time I visited geekpixie. Ribbon bound photo album I printed all of Annabelle's pictures from my trip, plus a couple of "work in progress" shots, and put them in this album, to send to her new owner. There are about 20 blank pages left in the album, so Annabelle can continue to document any adventures she may have.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And my zombie swap package is in the mail. Because I am easily amused, I am entertained by my gift wrapping and card as well, and thought I would share. Zombie wrapping paper Made the bloody handprint card last night. This is actually Bloody Handprint Card 1.2, because I wanted to make it look more distressed, and accidentally sent 1.0 on fire. Burning acrylic paint smells bad, just so you know. I splattered and dripped red paint on some tissue paper that I had about and then wrapped the various zombie bits in it. I really hope my swap partner likes all my stuff. And now I really need to get started on my next project.

Monday, August 14, 2006

And now, for your early morning zombie post. I finished these magnets, made mostly with images of Ash from the Evil Dead movies, Bub from Day of the Dead and a couple of Dead Alive pics scoured off the internet, along with a couple text magnets. Zombie magnets They fit nicely inside of the zombie tin. I also spent a good part of yesterday making a Bub doll, complete with his very own bucket of guts. Bub Combined with the journal and decorated tin, this was going to be my completed swap package. Only now the deadline has been extended, and even though I have spent hours and hours making this stuff, looking at it, it doesn't seem like that much. I feel like I should make one more thing, maybe something big, so it looks like more stuff. Only I have another swap I wanted to get started on, and I am also fresh out of ideas. So what do you, my loyal readers think? Is this an okay swap package?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I have finished my Necronomicon journal and decorated tin. I love them, and I think you will, too. Necronomicon inspired journal Front of the Necronomicon journal - the eyes are a bit wonky, but overall, I am still pleased. Necronomicon - inside front cover Front end paper for journal Necronomicon - inside back cover Back end paper for journal Zombie Tin This decorated tin was so much fun to make. Even my roommate got in on the action, helping me to cut the little doll in half. Heh heh heh. Zombie Tin Closeup of the undead girl. So, what do you all think?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am having a ton of fun with my latest craft swap. It has a zombie theme. Zombies are fun. In preparation for crafting, I made the roomie watch Day of the Dead with me last weekend. I am planning to make a little felt Bub doll, holding a gun, and saluting, if I can get his arm to do that. I am in the process of making a Book of the Dead, to represent my swap partner's love of the Evil Dead movies. It's starting to look pretty creepy, though it definitely needs more work. And last, but definitely not least, I am making a zombie coming out of her grave out of a Runts tin (I didn't have any Altoids at home). It's completely silly and I love it. I plan to put magnets inside, or something like that. It's a good thing we have all of these supplies hanging around my workplace to help me in my crafting when I am on breaks and whatnot. =) I am also signed up for a Stuffies swap, and plan to make my swap partner a big squishy elephant (in the same style as the squishy sheep I did recently). I haven't decided whether to make him in elephant colors, or to go wild and make him purple or something. But that should be fun. Pictures to come, as soon as some of this stuff is finished.