Wednesday, August 10, 2005

This post is all about my yarn. If you don't care about my yarn, then this is not the post you are looking for. I suggest you skip it and move on. So, I went to the UPS center today to pick up the yarn the the guy from Caron had offered to send to me. When I spoke to him at the trade show, he said he'd send "a couple of skeins". I put down 2 color choices, in case for some reason they should be out of one. I clearly marked them as 1st and 2nd choice. I expected to get 1, or maybe 2 skeins of one color, enough to make a scarf or something. When I picked up the box today, there were 9 skeins of each color inside. Now I have to figure out what to make with it. Because I was still driving around with the yarn I bought from geekpixie, as well as some cotton ease and other stuff I had bought at various points on sale, my yarn drawers needed a little better organization. I took all of the yarn out, and sorted it more or less by type. Now, with the exception of the single skeins of acrylics, and leftovers of various sorts, all of my yarn fits into the yarn storage unit. yarn Yarn

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